Saturday, July 4, 2015

The day I met Stephen Chbosky~

Originally posted April 4, 2014

So, let's just not talk about the fact that I haven't blogged at all for like a month and just focus on the fact that I met Stephen Chbosky.

For those of you that may not know, Stephen Chbosky is the author of the novel "The Perks of Being a Wallflower", he also wrote the screenplay for the movie and directed it, and he wrote the screenplay for "Rent"(which I love, love, love), and since April 2nd, 2014 he is one of my favorite humans on earth.

This story starts on April 1st (April's fool) when my husband got an email from his University that said he would be on campus that Wednesday giving a talk and signing books. And my husband just said it like it was the most unimpressive news of all time....

"Today I read a lot of things for my paper, and I think the guy that wrote "The Perks of being a Wallflower" is going to be here and on Friday I'm playing tennis with my friend..." he said
"...What did you say?"
"...mmm... What?" He looked confused
"We are going to meet him. You are taking me to that."
"Okay, sure."

So, Wednesday comes around, we go to the place where he is going to talk, and is so full of people! at least 300 people. In a tiny auditorium.

So, he comes in, right on time (that's a plus for me, always), and he talks about his life, he makes jokes, he answered questions and he is just perfect. He really is.

Here is a list of things I learned about him that made me love him even more:
  1. He goes to Target all the time :)
  2. He watches the Kardashians and knows all the names (Of which he is ashamed hahah)
  3. The tunnel scene was his favorite to film.
  4. He casted Emma Watson before he finished the screenplay
  5. He casted Mae Whitman because he likes Arrested Development (Her...?)
  6. When he talked about Logan Lerman auditioning he said: Who would have thunk it, right? Percy Jackson!
  7. He also told us how would he end the sequel IF he ever wrote one. Which is so sweet I can't even handle...

After, the talk and the Q&A we waited in line for over 2 hours! but we made it! :) He was super nice and friendly and just one of the most approachable person ever! Of course he is famous and rich and lives in Hollywood, so you'd think he would act differently. He is just lovely! and funny! and nice! and... and.. and... I loved him :) I'm so happy I got to meet him and heard him talk :) 

Also, can we just talk about how AWESOME his inscription is?! 

Thanks for reading~!

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