Saturday, July 4, 2015

Second Trimester~

Originally Posted April 29, 2015


  Second trimester was a lot more fun than the first, but still had some difficult moments.
  Month 4 actually started just before christmas! and right before we found out I was pregnant we had planned a surprise trip back to Chile to surprise our parents for the holidays. That's why pictures from week 14 through week 16 look so diferent, It was summer time over there :) Morning sickness actually subsided quite a lot while we were there (seeing my mom helped a lot I must say) but I was TIRED all the time. We ate a lot of yummy things we missed and saw a lot of friends and family :)
  Right now, in the US, we live in Colorado in a very small town very, very up in the mountains. So we came back from holiday altitude sickness hit me hard, I could hardly keep food down and I actually had to spend about two weeks in bed untill I felt somewhat normal. 
  Then I started to feel a bit better and almost normal, no more altitude sickness or morning sickness~! and then... Husband got a cold... which he passed down to me and it hit me a lot harder than him. I actually got over it quicker than I thought I would, and just in time for me to visit my friends back in Indiana for a weekend while Hubby visited UCDavis. I'm very happy I got to do that trip, I had a lovely, lovely time over there and it was just what I needed. 
   From then on, pregnancy got a bit easier every day, at least in the food department. My appetitte was completely back~! yaay~!

Thanks for reading~!

Month 4

Month 5

Month 6

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