Monday, September 21, 2015

It's been three months~!

HOW?! and WHEN?!

 Tobi is three months old. THREE! Time has gone by so quickly~! He can almost sit by himself and can grab things and almost throw them. He smiles a lot more when he sees us, specially first thing in the morning. His vocabulary has not expanded but his delivery has. He has a lot of different version of the same sound to mean different things. He refuses to nap unless he is in pur arms (which caused a case of Tendinitis on my shoulder ouch~) but he is already sleeping through the whole night with just a small break to feed at 6 am.

And he talks all day long. It's like the cutest soundtrack ever~

(You can find the recipe for this here)


I forgot to post the two months update~! so here it is~

At two months he started to feed every three hours instead of every two (and also a lot quicker), that was a game changer. Suddendly there was a lot more time to do things between feeds. There was a lot more time to play with him too :) his allergies on this tiny little face went away completly by then. His coos  got alot more frecuent and he started to talk all day long. He still really enjoys bath time and discovered how to splash water everywhere~

(You can find the recipe for this here)

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