Monday, October 19, 2015

Spooky Merenguitos~ | Halloween treat

Merenguitos are very easy to make, they just take forever in the oven. This is my October version, because... Halloween~

100 grs egg whites (at room temp)
100 grs granulated sugar
100 grs powdered sugar
a bit of salt
Dulce de leche

1- Preheat oven to 200ºF
2- Add the salt to the egg whites and beat until the soft-peak stage. 
3- Add the granulated sugar slowly and keep mixing until the sugar has disolved

4- With a spatula incorporate powdered sugar slowly and careful not to overmix.
5- Fill a pastry bag with a round tip and make the ghost shape, and the base

6- with a toothpick and black icing color draw the faces on them :O
7- Bake for an hour.
8- Glue a ghost and a base with some dulce de leche and done~!

The non spooky version ~ aka the traditional way - Just change the round tip for a star tip on the pastry bag :)

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