Tobi is nine months now... how time flies~! he looks and acts less and less like a baby and more and more like a child. He plays by himself for great amounts of time, he interacts with his toys in a different way now.
He laughs out loud when something (mainly Hubby doing something funny) amuses him, an actual laugh.
(Recipe here)
He can play in his playpen happily but also understand now that there is actual space out side of it where he can crawl and play too. He can crawl out of his playpen AND closes the door~ He crawls around the house now and stands up whereever he can find a place to pull himself up~ :)
Also, he has teeth! TEETH~! Prural~! He has four now, and counting~
I'm trying to introduce finger foods, but it's not going so well :/ He really likes cheerios though and baby puffs~ :)
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