Monday, February 15, 2016

Six months old~!

I was totally planning on posting this back in december, when Tobi actually was six months old, as of this moment he is eight months old (already?!) and I'm catching up on all this posts that are behind, I'm so sorry for the unorganized mess, I hope you enjoy this post anyway :)

Wait. What?
How did we get here? Tobi is 6 months old~! He has mastered the art of turning over, so staying on his back is no longer an option for him, I can still put him on his gym but won't stay lying down for long, he'll play on his tummy most of the time. He likes to sit with the help on the boppy pillow but he can't stay up right for long :)

He's not crawling but he is moving foward a few inches, courtesy of our slippery linoleum floor~ 

He still sleeps through the night but nap time during the day is still an on and off option for him, depending on the day, some days he just won't take a nap at all~! and some he will sleep all day.

(You can get the recipe for this here)

We are very excited 'cause we're going home for Christmas~!
We actually took this pictures a few days before he actually was 6 months old because by then we are going to be in Chile~!

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