Wednesday, February 17, 2016

SIete meses~! (El mes pasado~)

Este mes fue muy interesante :) Estabamos en Chile para pasar Navidad con nuestras familias, lo que significa que Tobi conocio a toda la familia. A. TODA. LA. FAMILIA. ENTERA. y a los amigos, en total conoció cerca de 100 personas. Y él le sonrio y a cada uno de ellos :) Es un coqueto.

Por lo tanto, tuvimos un poco de descanso. Habián manos extras que estaban más que dispuestas a ayudar a cuidarlo para que pudieramos dormir hasta más tarde y poder salir de noche, solo los dos. Fue lo mejor :)

Me enamoré viendo a Tobi en los brazos de toda la gente que estaba tan feliz de conocerlo y jugar con él. Se pasó el mes entero de un par de brazos a otros, asique es un milagro que aprendió a casi-gatear :O Es un experto en girar como reloj cuando está de guatita y aprendió a avanzar arrastrándose pero no en posición de gateo, aún.

Sus manos son muy rápidas~ Agarró la galletas antes que lo viera~

Y creció tantoooo en este viaje~! 

The aftermath
(Get the recipe here)

También empezó a comer comida~! :O Las primeras veces fue un desastre, pero mejoró con el tiempo, para cuando cumplió los siete meses, ya comía muy, muy bien :)

Nos sacamos esta foto unos dias después de que cumpliera los 7 meses porque Gustavo tenía que volver a clases justo después del año nuevo y yo y Tobi nos quedamos unas semanas más :)

Seven months old~! (Last month anyway~)

This month was a very interesting one :) We were back in Chile for the holidays which meant he met the entire family. THE. ENTIRE. FAMILY. And friends, about 100 people total. And he smiled and cooed to every single one of them :). He's a flirt.

That actually meant we had a break. There were so many extra arm that were happy to take care of him that we actually had a lot of days to sleep in and go out at night by ourselves. It was really nice :)

I fell in love with seeing Tobi in the arm of so many people that were so happy to meet him and play with him. He spent the entire month from one set of arms to the next, so it's kind of a miracle that he learned how to kinda-crawl :O He became an expert of spinning like a clock when on his tummy and then he learned how to move foward but not on crawling position yet.

He has really fast hands~ he grabbed the cookies before I could stop him~

He grews oooo much during our trip~! 

The aftermath
(Get the recipe here)

He also started eating solids~! :O The first few time was a dissaster though, he got better with time. by the time he was seven months old, he was eating like a champ :)

We took this pictures a few days after he turned seven months because Hubby had to get back to school right after New Years and Tobi and I stayed behind for a couple more weeks :) 

Monday, February 15, 2016

Tobi tiene 6 meses~!

Yo tenia todo planeado para postear estos post cuando supuestamente tenia que hacerlo pero no pude. En este momento Tobi ya tiene 8 meses (Tanto?!) y me estoy poniendo al día con todos los post atrasados, Lo siento mucho por el desorden pero espero que disfruten este post :)  

Espera un moemnto. Que?!
Cómo llegamos aquí? Tobi tiene 6 meses~! Ya sabe totalmente como darse vuelta asique estar de espaldas ya no es una opción para él. Todavía puedo dejarlo jugando en su gimnasio pero ya no dura de espaldas y juega de guatita :) Le gusta sentarse con su boppy pillow de apoyo pero no dura sentado mucho rato :)

Aun no gatea pero si se arrastra y avanza un par de centimetros, todo gracias a nuestro piso resbaloso~

Aun duerme toda la noche de corrido pero sus siestas durante el día aún son una opción para él, dependiendo del dia, puede no dormir nada durante el día~! o dormir todo el día~

(La receta de esto aquí)

Estamos muy emocionados porque vamos a volver a casa para Navidad~!
Estas fotos las tomamos unos días antes de que Tobi en verdad tuviera 6 meses porque para ese entonces ya estaremos en Chile~!

Six months old~!

I was totally planning on posting this back in december, when Tobi actually was six months old, as of this moment he is eight months old (already?!) and I'm catching up on all this posts that are behind, I'm so sorry for the unorganized mess, I hope you enjoy this post anyway :)

Wait. What?
How did we get here? Tobi is 6 months old~! He has mastered the art of turning over, so staying on his back is no longer an option for him, I can still put him on his gym but won't stay lying down for long, he'll play on his tummy most of the time. He likes to sit with the help on the boppy pillow but he can't stay up right for long :)

He's not crawling but he is moving foward a few inches, courtesy of our slippery linoleum floor~ 

He still sleeps through the night but nap time during the day is still an on and off option for him, depending on the day, some days he just won't take a nap at all~! and some he will sleep all day.

(You can get the recipe for this here)

We are very excited 'cause we're going home for Christmas~!
We actually took this pictures a few days before he actually was 6 months old because by then we are going to be in Chile~!

Monday, February 8, 2016

Back from break~!


I took an unintentinal break from blogging >.<! We went home for christmas and most of January and I had planned to blog through it, but there just wasn't enough time! We had a blast though :)

I have lots and lots of posts planned for the future, but for now enjoy a picture of Tobi's feet on the beach for the first time~ :)

See you soon~!