Tobi is five months old!! What?! When?!
He's getting so big 6 months old clothes are getting snug but he's also getting incredibly cute~!
He learn how to roll over by himself and won't stop doing it. Now every time we leave him on his back he turn over almost immideately.
He still hates car rides but it's getting better. He's laughing a lot, he has the cutes laugh. He laughs when he hears the ducks that live around our neighborhood.
And in the last few days has almost mastered the art of sitting. He still needs support but he has sat down by himself a couple of times :)
This time he stood still long enough for taking the pictures but his hand where to quick for me and grabbed the merengue before I could stop him~ hahahahah
"What is this?"
"Why is it sticky?"
(For the recipe click here)
"Have you seen this sticky thing in my hand?"
PS: Our old appartment had lots and lots of natural light coming in all day long, I could take beautiful pictures there, quick and painless. In this a apartment there's no light, none whatsoever. Nada. Zero. Taking pictures here is hard :( I miss my old appartment....
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